RQF Performance Horses

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[vc_column_text]PHONE:         +406-590-8558[/vc_column_text]

[vc_column_text]PHONE:         +406-466-2540[/vc_column_text]

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[vc_column_text]E-MAIL:         mona@rqfperformancehorses.com[/vc_column_text]

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[vc_column_text]ADDRESS:      Choteau, MT[/vc_column_text]

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Thank you for visiting our website and for considering our program.

Mon- Sat  8 AM-5PM

Our Program





Welcome to RQF Performance Horses

First and foremost it is important that you know our program is one that is built on Faith . . .
Faith in God to guide, faith in family to support and faith in horses to prove (and reflect) their legendary lines. It has all come together because of this. We realized we had something special with “Splash” and still believe that his pedigree is one of the most unique crosses in the industry. Even though he came from legendary lines, we knew that in order to move forward we would have to fine tune our own mares and outside mares bred to reflect this same principle.


Our Stallions:

Royal Quik Frenchman (Royal Quick Dash x Pcfrenchmanslisbet x Sun Frost)”Splash” is the cornerstone of our program carrying legendary lines of Grade 1 Speed on top with Rodeo Royalty on the bottom. His dam, PCfrenchmanslisbet, is the ONLY full sister to Sherry Cervis’ “Dinero” and Kristie Peterson’s “Bozo”, while his sire Royal Quick Dash is a renowned champion and champion sire with LTE $1,046,980 and sire earning of $20+ million. He is continuing that legacy through his offspring as a Futurity winner producer in barrels.Notable Offspring Include- Juballea Hobby (Royal Quik Frenchman x Bonvester Dee Doc x Bon Jour Invester) 2021 Sand Cup Futurity Open 1D Avg Winner- RQF Dash of Fame (Royal Quik Frenchman x Merri Dashi x Dash Ta Fame) 2020 Dash For Dollar Futurity Avg Winner- RQF French Larrietta (Royal Quik Frenchman x Catty Lena Hickory x Gray Little Badger) 2015 Speed Horse Shootout Futurity 4th Place Avg

EZ on the Dynamite (Pepto Stylish Lena x First Down Dynamite x Doc O Dynamite)
Responsible for throwing big bodied, correct colts. “EZ” is a true all around horse. He ropes, run barrels, and is in training for reined cow. If you want to add bone, substance, and a steady demeanor to your mare, this is the guy to do it.


Visit Our Stallions:


EZ On The Dynamite (No longer offered) 


Royal Quik Frenchman (click here)

Visit Our Broodmares page – click here 


Visit The History of Our Legendary Lines

