RQF Performance Horses

PHONE:         +406-590-8558

PHONE:         +406-466-2540

E-MAIL:         mona@rqfperformancehorses.com

ADDRESS:      Choteau, MT

Thank you for visiting our website and for considering our program.

Mon- Sat  8 AM-5PM

RQF Performance Horses

RQF Performance Horses Stallion line up

Have you seen our 2022 Stallion Flyer?

We are proud to present to you the 2022 RQF Performance Horses Stallion Flyer for the new breeding season!

We decided to combine our two amazing stallions to one flyer. The choice is yours… we guarantee it’s a tough one!

It’s such a blessing to do what we love. Our role as caretakers of these horses goes beyond each individual foal, our goal is always to improve the breed as a whole.Every breeding decision we make is carefully thought out to produce not only spectacular performance horses, but animals that are user friendly and built with longevity in mind. Trainability, athleticism, good temperament, speed, bone, and soundness are all equally important qualities we strive for in every pairing. We look forward to many more years of doing just that.